The story revolves around the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) task force led by John “Breacher” Wharton (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger). After a successful raid on a drug cartel safe house, the team members decide to skim some money for themselves. However, when they return to collect their hidden loot, they discover that it has been stolen.
As members of the team start getting killed off in brutal and mysterious ways, suspicion and paranoia escalate among the surviving agents. Investigating the murders is Detective Caroline Brentwood (played by Olivia Williams), who works alongside the DEA to uncover the truth behind the killings.
The film combines elements of action, mystery, and crime thriller as the characters attempt to uncover the identity of the killer within their ranks. As the bodies pile up, the team faces internal strife, and alliances are tested. The movie explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the consequences of greed.
In the climax, the surviving team members confront the person responsible for the murders, revealing a shocking twist in the plot. The film concludes with a resolution to the mystery, but the characters face the consequences of their actions.
“Sabotage” received mixed to negative reviews from critics, with some praising the intense action sequences and dark tone, while others criticized the convoluted plot and excessive violence. The film aimed to deliver a gritty and suspenseful experience, showcasing Arnold Schwarzenegger in a more dramatic and complex role compared to some of his previous action films.