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The story follows Lucy (Scarlett Johansson), a woman who inadvertently becomes a drug mule for a powerful synthetic drug called CPH4. The drug, surgically implanted in her abdomen, leaks into her system, granting her access to increasingly higher percentages of her brain’s capacity. As her brain function expands, Lucy gains superhuman abilities, such as telekinesis, time manipulation, and enhanced intelligence.

Towards the end of the movie, Lucy’s transformation continues at an accelerating pace. She reaches 100% brain capacity, becoming a highly advanced and seemingly omnipotent being. The climax of the film unfolds as Lucy confronts Mr. Jang (Choi Min-sik), the ruthless mob boss responsible for the drug trafficking.

In a confrontation at a hospital, Lucy uses her newfound abilities to dispatch Mr. Jang’s henchmen effortlessly. She demonstrates control over matter and even communicates with electronic devices on a global scale. As Lucy gains more power, her physical form begins to disintegrate, and she transcends the limitations of the human body.

Lucy shares her insights with Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman), a scientist studying brain capacity. She explains that she has surpassed human understanding and is evolving into a higher form of existence. Lucy also imparts her knowledge and abilities to Professor Norman before disappearing into the fabric of time and space.

The movie concludes with a surreal sequence where Lucy communicates with prehistoric Lucy, suggesting a connection transcending time and evolution. Lucy’s transformation leaves a lasting impact on humanity, as Professor Norman begins sharing the knowledge she passed on to him, aiming to unlock the full potential of the human mind.

In summary, “Lucy” concludes with the protagonist evolving into a transcendent being, leaving a legacy of expanded consciousness and knowledge for humanity. The film explores themes of evolution, the nature of consciousness, and the limitless potential of the human mind.

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