The story is set in a seemingly utopian community where everyone follows strict rules and regulations. The society has eradicated emotions, memories of the past, and individuality to maintain order. The protagonist, Jonas (Brenton Thwaites), is selected as the Receiver of Memories, a position that involves learning about the true history of the world from the Giver (Jeff Bridges).
As Jonas begins his training with the Giver, he discovers the dark and painful memories that have been erased from the collective consciousness of the community. He learns about the richness of human experience, including love, joy, and pain. The Giver imparts these memories to Jonas through a telepathic process.
As Jonas gains knowledge, he becomes increasingly disillusioned with the controlled and sterile existence of the community. He questions the decisions made by the Elders who govern the society, particularly the practice of “releasing” individuals who do not conform.
One significant memory involves Jonas witnessing the release of a newborn child, only to realize that “release” means euthanasia. Shocked by this revelation, Jonas decides to take action.
Jonas decides to escape the community, taking along a baby scheduled for release, named Gabriel. The two embark on a perilous journey through the wilderness, pursued by the community’s authorities.
The film concludes with Jonas and Gabriel reaching the boundary of the community, where they encounter a sled similar to the one seen in one of the Giver’s memories. The ambiguous ending suggests that Jonas and Gabriel may find a new and free life outside the confines of the controlled society.
“The Giver” explores themes of individuality, free will, and the importance of experiencing both the highs and lows of life. While the film received mixed reviews, it remains a thought-provoking exploration of a dystopian world and the quest for genuine human connection.