The story revolves around Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) and Amy Dunne (Rosamund Pike), a married couple living in North Carthage, Missouri. On their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy goes missing under suspicious circumstances. The media quickly turns its attention to the case, portraying Nick as the prime suspect.
As the investigation unfolds, the narrative alternates between Nick’s perspective in the present and entries from Amy’s diary detailing the history of their relationship. Clues surface, suggesting a staged crime scene, and the public becomes increasingly convinced of Nick’s guilt.
Amy’s diary entries reveal her growing dissatisfaction with the marriage, portraying Nick as a negligent and potentially abusive husband. The police, led by Detective Rhonda Boney (Kim Dickens), uncover additional evidence that seems to incriminate Nick.
As the media frenzy intensifies, Nick hires a high-profile defense attorney, Tanner Bolt (Tyler Perry), to help clear his name. It becomes apparent that Amy is not only alive but has orchestrated her own disappearance to frame Nick for her murder, seeking revenge for perceived wrongs in their marriage.
Amy hides out in a remote cabin, pretending to be the victim of a kidnapping. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when she encounters a former boyfriend, Desi Collings (Neil Patrick Harris). Amy manipulates Desi into helping her, but she eventually turns the tables, murdering him and returning home with a fabricated story of her escape.
In a shocking twist, Amy reveals the truth to Nick, expecting him to play along to avoid tarnishing her public image. Nick, however, decides to stay with Amy for the sake of their unborn child. The film ends with the couple presenting a facade of a happy marriage during a television interview, leaving the audience with lingering questions about their true feelings.
“Gone Girl” received critical acclaim for its gripping narrative, direction, and performances, particularly Rosamund Pike’s portrayal of Amy. The film’s exploration of the media’s impact on criminal cases and the complexities of modern relationships contributed to its success.