The story follows a group of friends: Laine Morris (Olivia Cooke), Debbie Galardi (Shelley Hennig), Pete (Douglas Smith), Trevor (Daren Kagasoff), and Isabelle (Bianca A. Santos). After Debbie dies mysteriously, Laine becomes determined to uncover the truth behind her friend’s death.
Laine discovers a Ouija board in Debbie’s room and decides to use it with her friends to communicate with Debbie’s spirit. However, their attempts to contact Debbie result in the group inadvertently contacting a malevolent spirit named “DZ.”
As the friends try to unravel the mystery, they experience supernatural occurrences and are haunted by the malevolent force they unleashed. The spirit begins to target each friend, leading to a series of terrifying and deadly events.
They seek the help of a woman named Paulina Zander (Lin Shaye), who has experience with the occult. Paulina reveals that the entity they contacted was once a little girl named Doris Zander, who had been abused and mistreated. Doris’ spirit had become malevolent, and she sought revenge on those who wronged her.
In a climactic confrontation, Laine faces the vengeful spirit, and the group must find a way to put Doris to rest. They discover a hidden room in Debbie’s house and uncover Doris’ remains. Through a ritual, they manage to free her spirit and put an end to the haunting.
The film ends with Laine burning the Ouija board, hoping to prevent anyone else from experiencing the horrors they faced. However, a mid-credits scene hints at the possibility of a sequel.
“Ouija” received mixed reviews from critics but was commercially successful, leading to the release of a prequel, “Ouija: Origin of Evil,” in 2016.