The story revolves around a cybercriminal who orchestrates a series of high-level cyber attacks, causing destruction and chaos. The authorities, led by FBI agent Carol Barrett (Viola Davis), realize they need the help of a skilled hacker to track down the cybercriminal.
They decide to release Nicholas Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth), a convicted hacker, from prison to assist in the investigation. Nicholas is motivated to help because the cybercriminal is using code he wrote years ago. As Nicholas and the joint U.S.-Chinese task force delve deeper into the cyber attacks, they discover a larger conspiracy involving both cyber and physical threats.
In the climax, the pursuit of the cybercriminal leads the characters to Jakarta, Indonesia. The film builds to a tense confrontation as Nicholas and the task force work to prevent a major disaster orchestrated by the cybercriminal. The climax involves a combination of cyber warfare and physical action.
“Blackhat” received mixed reviews, with praise for its realistic depiction of cyber threats and criticism for its pacing and narrative. The film explores themes of cybercrime, global conspiracies, and the intersection of technology and criminal activities.