The film follows the journey of a group of four high school students from Carl Hayden Community High School in Phoenix, Arizona. The students, including Oscar Vazquez (Carlos PenaVega), Lorenzo Santillan (José Julián), Cristian Arcega (David Del Rio), and Luis Aranda (Oscar Gutierrez), are undocumented immigrants.
The team, with the help of their teacher Fredi Cameron (George Lopez), decides to participate in a national underwater robotics competition. Facing numerous challenges, including financial constraints and skepticism from other participating teams, the Carl Hayden students work tirelessly to build a functioning robot for the competition.
In the climax, the underdog team competes against well-funded and more experienced teams. Despite facing setbacks and technical issues during the competition, they manage to impress the judges and win the overall championship, showcasing their resilience, determination, and ingenuity.
“Spare Parts” is a heartwarming film that explores themes of immigration, education, and the power of teamwork. It received positive reviews for its inspiring true story and the performances of the cast, especially George Lopez and the young actors portraying the students.