Don Champagne (played by Patrick Wilson) is a successful furniture store owner with a seemingly perfect life. However, his life takes a dark turn when his wife, Mona (played by Katherine Heigl), discovers that he’s having an affair with their employee, Dusty (played by Jordana Brewster). Rather than being devastated, Mona decides to take control of the situation in a twisted way.
In order to protect her ideal suburban life and maintain the appearance of a happy family, Mona forces Don to eliminate Dusty. The film takes a satirical approach to suburban life, marriage, and the lengths some individuals will go to preserve their image.
As the plot unfolds, Mona’s schemes become increasingly outrageous, leading to a series of darkly comedic and suspenseful events. Don finds himself caught in a web of deception and murder as Mona’s demands become more extreme.
In the climax, Mona’s carefully constructed world begins to unravel, and the characters must confront the consequences of their actions. The film is known for its dark humor and satirical take on the traditional suburban family dynamic.
“Home Sweet Hell” received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for the performances but criticism for the film’s tonal shifts and satirical approach. It is often categorized as a black comedy due to its blend of humor and darker themes.