Jim White (played by Kevin Costner), a high school football coach, loses his job due to an altercation with a player. He moves with his family to the predominantly Latino and economically challenged town of McFarland, California, where he takes up a job as a physical education teacher and assistant football coach.
While working at McFarland High School, Jim notices the exceptional running abilities of some of his students and decides to form a cross-country team. The team faces numerous challenges, including socio-economic struggles and the skepticism of other schools that have more resources.
As the team trains and competes, they gradually overcome adversity and build camaraderie. The athletes, mainly sons of immigrant farmworkers, become dedicated runners, defying stereotypes and showcasing their determination.
In the climax, McFarland’s cross-country team competes in the California State Championship, facing more privileged teams. Despite being considered underdogs, the team surprises everyone by winning the state championship.
The film highlights themes of perseverance, teamwork, and the impact of sports in transforming the lives of young athletes. “McFarland, USA” received positive reviews for its inspirational story, performances, and cultural representation. The film celebrates the resilience of the McFarland High School cross-country team and their coach’s ability to see beyond socio-economic barriers.