The film follows Maria Altmann (played by Helen Mirren), a Jewish refugee living in Los Angeles. Maria seeks the assistance of a young lawyer named Randy Schoenberg (played by Ryan Reynolds) to help her reclaim the valuable painting that belonged to her family but was seized by the Nazis in Austria.
The painting, known as “Woman in Gold,” is not only a valuable piece of art but also holds sentimental value to Maria as it depicts her aunt, Adele Bloch-Bauer. The legal battle takes Maria and Randy to Austria, where they face challenges and opposition from the Austrian government, which is reluctant to return the painting.
Through flashbacks, the film also explores Maria’s experiences during the Nazi era and her family’s tragic history. The legal battle eventually reaches the United States Supreme Court.
In the climax, Maria and Randy succeed in their legal efforts, and the painting is ultimately returned to Maria. The film highlights the importance of justice and the restitution of art stolen during the Holocaust.
“Woman in Gold” received positive reviews for its performances, especially Helen Mirren’s portrayal of Maria Altmann, and its historical significance. The film sheds light on the efforts to reclaim looted art and the emotional impact on those who lost valuable possessions during one of the darkest periods in history.