The movie unfolds as a retelling of the events that inspired Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick.” In the climax of the film, the whaling ship Essex is attacked and sunk by a massive sperm whale, leaving the crew stranded in lifeboats in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
As the survivors face the challenges of starvation, exposure, and desperation, the film focuses on the leadership struggles among the crew, especially between First Mate Owen Chase (Chris Hemsworth) and Captain George Pollard (Benjamin Walker).
In the resolution, the surviving crew members endure extreme hardships, resorting to drastic measures such as cannibalism to stay alive. The film explores the psychological toll of their ordeal, depicting the physical and mental deterioration of the men.
Eventually, the surviving crew is rescued by passing ships, but only a few men make it back to civilization. Owen Chase, who had been demoted from First Mate to the lowly position of cabin boy during the journey, returns home to Nantucket and faces the challenge of rebuilding his life.
The movie ends with the older Thomas Nickerson (Brendan Gleeson), one of the last survivors, recounting the events to Herman Melville (Ben Whishaw), who is seeking inspiration for his novel “Moby-Dick.”
In summary, “In the Heart of the Sea” concludes with the surviving crew members facing the physical and psychological aftermath of their harrowing ordeal. The film explores themes of survival, leadership, and the human capacity to endure in the face of extreme adversity.