The film follows Judy Hopps (voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin), a bunny police officer, and Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman), a fox con artist, as they work together to uncover a conspiracy in the city of Zootopia.
In the climax of the movie, Judy and Nick discover that an antidote to a mysterious serum turning predators savage is being produced secretly by the assistant mayor, Bellwether (voiced by Jenny Slate). Bellwether, who is revealed to be the mastermind behind the plot, plans to use the serum to turn predators against prey, creating chaos and fear in Zootopia.
A confrontation ensues at the Zootopia Natural History Museum, where Bellwether reveals her true colors. Judy and Nick manage to expose Bellwether’s plot and bring her to justice, with the help of a recording device hidden in a pen.
In the resolution, Zootopia is saved from the threat of predators turning savage, and the city begins to heal from the tensions between different animal species. Judy is reinstated as a police officer, and Nick joins the force as her partner. The film emphasizes the importance of breaking down stereotypes and building a more inclusive and understanding society.
The movie ends with Judy and Nick working together as officers, fostering a new era of harmony and cooperation in Zootopia. The film’s optimistic conclusion reinforces its themes of tolerance, diversity, and the power of friendship.
In summary, “Zootopia” concludes with the exposure of Bellwether’s plot, the restoration of peace in Zootopia, and Judy and Nick’s partnership as police officers promoting unity and understanding among the diverse inhabitants of the city.