Set in the near future where mutants are on the brink of extinction, the film follows an aging Logan who cares for an ailing Charles Xavier while trying to live a quiet life as a chauffeur. Their world is disrupted when they encounter a young mutant named Laura, who has abilities similar to Logan’s.
As the story unfolds, it is revealed that Laura is one of several young mutants being created by a secret organization called Transigen. They are using the DNA of mutants, including Logan’s, to create a group of enhanced children. Laura, also known as X-23, was created from Logan’s DNA, making her his biological daughter.
The climax of the film involves the group of mutant children, including Laura, attempting to escape from the Transigen facility. They are pursued by Donald Pierce (played by Boyd Holbrook) and the deadly cyborg X-24, a younger and more aggressive clone of Logan.
In a brutal and emotionally charged sequence, Charles Xavier is accidentally killed by X-24 during an attack on the hideout where the mutant children are staying. This leads to a vengeful and heartbroken Logan confronting X-24 in a final battle.
Ultimately, Logan is mortally wounded in the fight, and he dies protecting Laura and the other mutant children. His death is a poignant moment, symbolizing the end of an era for the character and marking the conclusion of Hugh Jackman’s portrayal of Wolverine in the X-Men film series.
The film ends with Laura reading a eulogy at Logan’s makeshift grave, addressing him as “Daddy.” The other mutant children pay their respects, and Laura turns the cross on its side to create an “X,” a subtle nod to the legacy of the X-Men.
“Logan” received widespread critical acclaim for its mature themes, gritty realism, and emotional depth. The ending, with Logan’s sacrifice and Laura carrying on his legacy, provides a powerful conclusion to the character’s journey.