In the ending of “Despicable Me 3,” Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) reconciles with his long-lost twin brother, Dru (also voiced by Steve Carell). Together, they defeat the movie’s antagonist, Balthazar Bratt (voiced by Trey Parker), who is obsessed with the character he played as a child star in the ’80s and has turned to a life of villainy.
The Minions, who briefly leave Gru earlier in the film due to his reluctance to return to villainy, eventually come back to him. The family, including Gru, Lucy (voiced by Kristen Wiig), Margo, Edith, Agnes, and the newly discovered Dru, celebrate their victory over Bratt.
The movie concludes with Gru officially retiring from villainy, choosing to focus on being a father and spending time with his family. The Minions, however, decide to embark on their own adventures, leaving Gru’s home. This ending sets the stage for potential future Minion-centered stories while giving a sense of closure to Gru’s character arc.