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“Coco” is a 2017 animated musical fantasy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Lee Unkrich and Adrian Molina, the movie follows the story of Miguel Rivera, a young boy who aspires to be a musician despite his family’s ban on music. Below is a detailed summary of the ending, and it contains spoilers.

In the final act of “Coco,” Miguel (voiced by Anthony Gonzalez) discovers the true identity of his great-great-grandfather, Héctor (voiced by Gael García Bernal), who he believed was a villain. Héctor is revealed to be a loving and talented musician who was estranged from his family when he died.

Miguel’s journey to the Land of the Dead continues as he, Héctor, and Dante (Miguel’s loyal dog, who is transformed into a spirit guide) make their way to the renowned musician Ernesto de la Cruz’s (voiced by Benjamin Bratt) mansion. There, they uncover the truth that Héctor wrote the beloved song “Remember Me,” but Ernesto stole it and became famous, leaving Héctor forgotten.

As the climax unfolds, Miguel and Héctor attempt to expose Ernesto’s deception during a Day of the Dead performance in the Land of the Dead. Miguel sings “Remember Me,” revealing Héctor’s authorship, and exposes the truth about Ernesto’s actions. This revelation leads to Ernesto’s condemnation by other spirits.

With justice served, Héctor is able to cross over to the Land of the Living and visit Miguel’s family to receive their blessing. The family comes to terms with the past, accepting the importance of music and their ancestors’ legacy. Miguel’s passion for music is finally embraced, and the family reunites, ending the ban on music.

The film concludes with Miguel sharing stories about his family and the importance of remembering loved ones, ensuring their presence lives on. The importance of family, remembrance, and pursuing one’s dreams are central themes throughout “Coco,” and the ending reinforces these values in a heartwarming and emotionally resonant way.

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