In the closing scenes of “The Witches” (2020), the story reaches its peak as the young protagonist, played by Jahzir Bruno, and his friends, including Grandma (Octavia Spencer), face off against the Grand High Witch, portrayed by Anne Hathaway. The showdown takes place in a grand ballroom, where the witches have gathered. The young hero, who has been transformed into a mouse, hatches a daring plan to thwart the witches’ plot to turn all the world’s children into mice.
With cleverness and resourcefulness, the mice, along with their human ally Grandma, outsmart the witches. They manage to administer the formula meant for children to the witches themselves, turning them into mice instead. Chaos ensues as the transformed witches scurry around the ballroom.
While there is a sense of triumph and celebration in the air, the film also maintains an element of caution. The Grand High Witch, in her mouse form, manages to escape. As the characters revel in their victory, there’s a lingering suggestion that the magical world and its challenges may not be entirely vanquished. This nuanced ending captures the essence of Roald Dahl’s storytelling, balancing triumph with a hint of ongoing mystery and potential future adventures.