In “Fear Street: 1978,” the story takes place at Camp Nightwing, where a group of teenagers faces a supernatural threat linked to the curse that haunts Shadyside. The narrative is framed as a recounting of past events by survivor C. Berman, played by Gillian Jacobs, to Deena and Josh from the first film.
The film primarily focuses on two sisters, Ziggy (played by Sadie Sink) and Cindy Berman (played by Emily Rudd), as they deal with the camp’s tumultuous environment and the emergence of the Shadyside curse.
As the night progresses, the possessed campers, turned into killers by the curse, start attacking the others. Ziggy and Cindy, along with a few allies, try to survive and figure out a way to break the curse.
It is revealed that Nurse Lane (Jordana Spiro) is attempting to continue the curse, believing it grants immortality. She is responsible for the possession of the campers, and she captures Ziggy to perform a ritual.
Cindy, along with her friends, manages to rescue Ziggy and confront Nurse Lane. The siblings ultimately work together to defeat Nurse Lane. However, the curse doesn’t seem to be broken completely.
In the final scenes, C. Berman explains that the curse is tied to a witch, Sarah Fier, and they need to find her bones to put an end to the malevolent force. The movie sets the stage for the third installment, “Fear Street: 1666,” which delves into the origins of the curse and its connection to Sarah Fier.
Overall, “Fear Street: 1978” combines elements of slasher horror with the overarching narrative of the curse that connects all three films in the trilogy.