In “Jungle Cruise,” the story follows Dr. Lily Houghton (Emily Blunt), her brother MacGregor Houghton (Jack Whitehall), and the charismatic riverboat captain Frank Wolff (Dwayne Johnson) as they embark on a journey through the Amazon jungle in search of the Tears of the Moon, a mythical tree with healing properties.
The trio faces various obstacles, including dangerous wildlife, supernatural threats, and a competing expedition led by the villainous Prince Joachim (Jesse Plemons), who seeks the tree’s power for nefarious purposes.
As the story unfolds, Lily and Frank discover that Frank is, in fact, immortal. He had once encountered the ancient tree and gained immortality after a selfless act. The group faces challenges, including escaping from deadly conquistadors cursed by the tree’s magic.
In the climax, Lily, MacGregor, and Frank reach the Tears of the Moon. Prince Joachim also arrives, attempting to take control of the tree’s powers. A battle ensues, with Lily and Frank working together to protect the tree and thwart Joachim’s plans.
Ultimately, the group successfully safeguards the tree, and Joachim meets his demise. However, Frank, who had been fatally wounded during the confrontation, chooses to give up his immortality to save Lily’s life. This selfless act breaks the curse on him, and Frank seemingly dies.
In a heartwarming twist, it’s revealed that the Tears of the Moon have the power to bring people back to life. Frank is resurrected, and Lily and MacGregor decide to stay in the jungle and continue their research.
The movie ends with Frank and Lily running a thriving riverboat business together, embracing a new life filled with adventure and discovery in the magical Amazon jungle. “Jungle Cruise” combines action, humor, and a sense of wonder, making it an entertaining adventure film.