In the final act of “Free Guy,” the protagonist, Guy (played by Ryan Reynolds), manages to reach the top of the city’s tallest building, where he confronts the game’s creator, Antwan (played by Taika Waititi). Guy has evolved throughout the movie and gained self-awareness, realizing that his world is a video game called Free City.
With the help of Molotov Girl (played by Jodie Comer), who is actually a real-world game developer named Millie, Guy exposes Antwan’s unethical practices and his plan to shut down the game, leaving its characters stranded. Antwan’s motivation is purely financial, as he plans to launch a sequel and profit from it.
Millie decides to confront Antwan in the real world by taking control of her in-game character and infiltrating the game’s servers. There’s a climactic showdown between Guy, Millie, and their friends against Antwan and his henchmen. In the real world, Millie’s friend Keys (played by Joe Keery) and their former boss, Soonami (played by Utkarsh Ambudkar), help her from the outside.
Eventually, with the help of the players who have embraced the idea of playing the game differently, Guy and his friends successfully change the code of the game, preventing the shutdown and saving Free City. The players now have the ability to shape the world and its rules in a positive way.
In the aftermath, Guy and Millie meet in the real world, and it’s revealed that the game will continue with a new and better version. The characters of Free City also gain a sense of agency and free will, living their lives independently of scripted events.
The movie ends with Guy and Millie choosing to explore the real world together, leaving Free City behind. The conclusion emphasizes themes of self-discovery, freedom, and the potential for positive change within the gaming industry.