The Monkey King: The Legend Begins concludes with the titular hero accepting his destiny to protect the weak after defeating the evil Demon Bull King. Having discovered his supernatural origins and trained with the monk Hua Guang, Monkey returns to Flower Fruit Mountain to free the monkey tribe from Demon Bull King’s tyrannical rule. After an epic battle of magic and martial arts, Monkey emerges victorious, causing Demon Bull King’s fortress to crumble. With his enemy vanquished, Monkey is crowned King of the Monkeys. However, he declines to remain secluded as their ruler. Instead, he decides to use his newfound skills to help the defenseless across the land, setting out on a journey to right wrongs. The ending signifies Monkey’s transition from mischievous stone monkey to enlightened warrior-hero, now dedicated to others above himself. His climactic triumph over Demon Bull King parallels his internal growth into a selfless champion driven by justice and compassion. The finale launches Monkey’s larger legend, establishing core values that define the iconic hero for future quests. By leaving Flower Fruit Mountain to embark on new adventures, Monkey begins the larger epic that will cement him as a timeless icon of righteousness, courage and redemption.