The satirical horror-thriller concludes with the vengeful Chef Slowik committing suicide after murdering his elite clientele for a pretentious final meal. Only Margot, an unexpected guest, survives by escaping the island. After witnessing the chef’s disturbing descent into savagery, she returns to eat a simple cheeseburger alone on the beach. The ending implies Margot’s ordinary hunger triumphs over the chef’s perverse culinary spectacle. Her defiant enjoyment of fast food in solitude provides a quiet yet powerful contrast to the extravagant brutality at the restaurant. Having rejected the chef’s twisted vision, Margot emerges renewed in her sense of self apart from the wealthy diners and their empty decadence. Her solitary act of savoring a cheeseburger signals hope and humanity persevering beyond the chef’s nihilistic rampage. The conclusion offers catharsis seeing the pretentious foodie culture satirized through the chef’s macabre finale, while Margot’s humility and simplicity prevail. She leaves with her integrity and appetite intact, freed from the burdens of elitism and artifice that drove the others to their doom.