The story picks up several years after the events of the first film. Cruella de Vil (played by Glenn Close), the notorious fashion designer who once tried to turn the adorable Dalmatian puppies into a fur coat, has been released from prison after undergoing therapy to cure her obsession with fur.
Cruella seems to have turned over a new leaf and claims to have reformed her ways. She is welcomed back into society, but it soon becomes apparent that her transformation is merely a façade. Cruella’s obsession with fur is reignited when she encounters a fur coat that triggers her old desires.
Determined to reclaim her status as a fashion icon, Cruella hatches a new scheme to capture more Dalmatian puppies and use their fur to create a new line of designer clothing. With the help of her bumbling henchmen, Jasper (played by Hugh Laurie) and Horace (played by Mark Williams), Cruella sets out to capture the adorable puppies once again.
Meanwhile, the puppies’ human owners, Chloe Simon (played by Alice Evans) and her husband Kevin (played by Ioan Gruffudd), are preparing for the arrival of their first child. They are blissfully unaware of Cruella’s plans until it’s almost too late.
With the help of their loyal Dalmatians, including Pongo and Perdita, Chloe and Kevin embark on a frantic race against time to rescue the puppies from Cruella’s clutches. Along the way, they enlist the help of other animals and allies, including the wise parrot Waddlesworth (voiced by Eric Idle) and the bumbling French detective Jean-Pierre Le Pelt (played by Gérard Depardieu).
In a climactic showdown, Chloe, Kevin, and their animal friends confront Cruella and her henchmen at her fashion show, where she plans to unveil her new line of clothing made from Dalmatian fur. With quick thinking and teamwork, they thwart Cruella’s plans and rescue the puppies once again.
As the film concludes, Cruella is once again thwarted in her attempts to exploit the adorable Dalmatians, and she is arrested for her crimes. Chloe and Kevin welcome their new baby into the world, surrounded by their beloved Dalmatians and other animal friends.
“102 Dalmatians” is a heartwarming and entertaining family film that continues the adventures of the lovable Dalmatian puppies and their human companions. With its charming characters, witty humor, and thrilling action sequences, the film offers a delightful and enjoyable experience for audiences of all ages.